On this page are shared photos of the many cockatiels produced here at TameTiels over the
past 11 years. I hope you enjoy. It was a pleasure to raise and own these beauties. Some have moved on to new homes, others
have crossed the bridge. They are all missed and remembered!
Photos are order as follows: oldest birds at the top, newest at the bottom---starting at 2002
and going to 2010). I tried my best to NOT duplicate any one bird. If you see birds that look similar in appearance it is
likely because they are from the same family line.
Copyright 2000-2012 TameTiels (TM) Aviary of VA. All rights reserved.
No text, photos, graphics, artwork or otherwise can be used from this site without the expressed consent of Sherri A. Lewis
(aka Sherri Inskeep-Lewis).